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GESTRA has worked on thousands of commercial projects. Providing services from geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, and geotechnical drilling services. Our commercial projects range from hotels, developments, apartment buildings, to restaurants, and so much more.

ALDI #82 - Sparta

GESTRA’s scope for project field work included performing subsurface soil borings up to depth of 50 feet below the existing ground surface, test pit excavation observation, and double ring infiltrometer testing.

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Milwaukee Bucks Arena,
Milwaukee County, WI

Approximately 30 environmental probes and 12 groundwater monitoring wells were installed by GESTRA during the environmental investigation for the study area.

The Marriott Hotel,

Milwaukee, WI

GESTRA performed construction materials testing as part of this project.

The Moderne-Residential High Rise,
Milwaukee, WI

GESTRA performed Construction Martials testing in this project. The concrete structure was constructed using cast-in-place, post tensioned concrete decks.

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